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Taiwan is open for Mandarin students to study for more than 6 months in Taiwan . Students can apply for student visa with least 6-month study plan.
Students can join their teacher and classmates for Mandarin classes online for the duration of 17-day quarantine period.
Once students are no longer under qurantine, they will be allowed to rejoin their in-person classes at the school.
境外生必須持有6個月期的入學同意書 才能取得簽證
入境學生因隔離期間(17天=10天隔離+7天自我健康管理)無法到校上課者 ,可以採用線上同步與實體班一起上課。
因教育部規定: 入境研習華語生,一律入住檢疫旅館,不得居家檢疫。若學生對此有異議者,請勿報名。