學術社團(Academic Clubs)
- 大慧社(Wisdom Club)
- 思辨社(Debating Club)
- 風燈詩社(Lantern Poetry Club)
- 信望愛社 (Confidence-Hope-Love Club)
- 聖經研究社(Bible Study Club)
- 英語研究社(English Study Club)
- 同志文化社 (Homo-company Cultural Club)
- 水鏡易學社 (Yi Jing Club)
- 工業技術研究社(Industry Study Club)
- 化學與人生研究社 (Chemistry and Life Study Club)
康樂社團(Entertainment Clubs)
- 合唱團(Singing Clubs)
- 吉他社(Gita Club)
- 口琴社(Harmonic Club)
- 橋藝社(Poker Club)
- 國樂社(Chinese MusicClub)
- 古箏社(Zither Club)
- 舞蹈社(Dancing Club)
- 話劇社(Drama Club)
- 國際標準舞社(ballroom dancing Club)
體育社團(Athletic Clubs)
- 游泳社(Swimming Club)
- 登山社(Mt. Climbing Club)
- 溜冰社(Roller Skating Club)
- 跆拳社(Taekwondo Club)
- 排球社(Volleyball Club)
- 籃球社(Basketball Club)
- 網球社(Tennis Club)
- 桌球社(Table Tennis Club)
- 羽球社(Badminton Club)
- 田徑社(Track and Field Club)
- 棒球研究社(Baseball Club)
藝術社團(Art Clubs)
- 攝影研究社(Photography Club)
- 書法研究社(Calligraphy Club)
- 篆刻社(Stamp Carving Club)
- 歌仔戲研究社(Taiwanese Opera Club)
服務社團(Service Clubs)
- 羅浮群(Scout Club)
- 資深團(Studying Club)
- 慈幼社(Youth Care Club)
- 手語社(Sign Language Club)
- 愛護動物社(Animal Activist Club)
- 宏遠社會服務社(Club)
綜合社團(General Clubs)
- 春暉社(Drag-and-Alcohol Activist Club)
- 高師大新聞社(NKNU News Student)
- 女青年聯誼會(Female Youth Association)
- 僑生聯 誼會(Oversea Student Association)
- 畢業生聯誼會 (Graduation Association)
- 研究生學會(Graduate Student Association)