
交通資訊(How to get to Hoping campus)

高市公車直達-公車動態查詢(Kaohsiung city bus real -time bus arrival information system)

可於火車站搭 52、82、100、248路公車,於中正文化中心站下車,再步行約4分鐘即可到達,72路公車可於師範大學門口下車。

Take lines of 52、82、100、248 at Kaohsiung Main Station to get off at Kaohsiung Cultural Center,and then take around 4-minute walk to Hoping campus. You can also take line 72 to get off at the main gate of Hoping campus .

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公車轉乘(Transfer information)



Take the lines that go between from Xiao Gang Station and Kaohsiung Main Station to get off at Central Park ,and then take the lines that get to Kaohsiung Cultural Center.

At the Central Park , you may take the lines that can transfer to our campus. You may check the lines on the official website of Koahsiung city bus.(Kaohsiung city bus real -time bus arrival information system)

高雄捷運 (MRT system)


Take MRT to the station No.7 (Kaohsiung Cultural Center) and exit at gate No.3 , along Hoping Road to the southern way ,you may take around 500 meters long to arrive at the campus.

台灣高鐵HSR system(High Speed Rail system)


Take HSR to get off at Zuoying Station and then take MRT to the station No.7 (Kaohsiung Cultural Center), exit at gate No.3 , along Hoping Road to the southern way ,you may take around 500 meters long to arrive at the campus.

開車(By cars)

二高 --> 燕巢系統轉(西向)國道10號 --> 仁武交流道 --> 鼎金系統接中山高(南下)。

中山高 --> 鼎金系統 --> 中正路出口 (注意:位於建國路出口後方約100M,不要下錯交流道) --> 右轉中正一路 --> (約1.5KM)看到鐵路平交道(走中間車道) --> (轉左上方) 五福一路 --> 左轉和平一路 --> 高雄師大

Formosa Freeway(or Freeway No. 3) (to the southern way) →Yanchao interchange(to the western way) to Freeway No.10→Renwu interchange-→Dingjin interchange to Freeway No.1(to the southern way)

Freeway No.1 (to the southern way)→ Off the Freeway at Jhongjheng interchange →Turn right to Jhongjheng 1st Road→ go around 1.5KM , you will see a railroad crossing→Take the mid-lane on the Jhongjheng 1st and turn the lane to Wufu 1st Road→Turn left at the intercross→Hoping 1st Road→Hoping campus